Okay, so like I’ve been on this 3 week journey into God’s presence. It has been amazing!
It all started when I got some news that seemed to be impending doom upon me and my household. Ha-ha, not that bad, but when you’re real close to a situation it seems that bad. You know like when you look at yourself in a mirror from far and go, “dang, I look good today!” but then you check yourself out up close and see that zit.
So, neways, I sat in sackcloth & ashes with one of my children, just mourning the loss of all we knew to be true. I went to worship at the Well that night and told God I give up. I wanted to quit life and church and school and being a mom and a daughter. Just quit.
But He loved me anyway and comforted me and set me free from the glass chains that were holding me down. I couldn’t see the chains because they were see-through glass but they still held me down and kept me out of His joy. The funny thing is that at any moment I could have broken free from those chains, they were just GLASS for Pete’s sake (who’s Pete anyway?)
As I was set free, I felt pure freedom and joy in God. Jesus refilled me with His Spirit and I was truly set free. I ministered to my daughter and helped her out of her chains. But I still had a journey to go on, so God spent the next 3 weeks cleaning me out.
The things God showed me were amazing. But, He focused on one thing in order to do what He’s called me to. LOVE.
Reading the book of John is what all of us need to do on a regular basis: Staying connected to the vine and loving one another. Sometimes that’s hard to do – we keep trying to do it in the flesh. I know a better way. When I’m connected to Jesus, daily, keeping my mind on His Word and worshipping Him, then I can love in a way I never thought I could. Really, it really works!
Mark 10:42-44 says, "You know that in this world kings are tyrants, and officials lord it over the people beneath them. But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.
We cannot do this apart from the power of Holy Spirit. It absolutely goes against our flesh! Yet, with a willing and contrite heart, God can do anything. And He is… in me.
One thing God asked me was “If those that you feel hurt by were to be blessed by Me, would you still love Me? What if I asked you to be happy for them?”
I was honest and didn’t know if I could. Then I read Jonah. If you know the story, fine, read it anyway. How many people have actually ever read Jonah? Nineveh was a bad place. Jonah was not happy about Nineveh’s repentance. He waited to see judgment. When it didn’t come he was grumpier than ever. God had to get a hold of him. I don’t want to be like Jonah.
As in my last two blogs, I am reminded of the eagle. I am that eagle soaring so far above the storms of life that they actually look beautiful. I’m not so close to the situation to only focus on the ugly. I’m being lifted up by the Spirit of God into the heavenly places.
As Jesus said in Luke 10:41-42, “You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Love is the better. It will NOT be taken away from me.
It all started when I got some news that seemed to be impending doom upon me and my household. Ha-ha, not that bad, but when you’re real close to a situation it seems that bad. You know like when you look at yourself in a mirror from far and go, “dang, I look good today!” but then you check yourself out up close and see that zit.
So, neways, I sat in sackcloth & ashes with one of my children, just mourning the loss of all we knew to be true. I went to worship at the Well that night and told God I give up. I wanted to quit life and church and school and being a mom and a daughter. Just quit.
But He loved me anyway and comforted me and set me free from the glass chains that were holding me down. I couldn’t see the chains because they were see-through glass but they still held me down and kept me out of His joy. The funny thing is that at any moment I could have broken free from those chains, they were just GLASS for Pete’s sake (who’s Pete anyway?)
As I was set free, I felt pure freedom and joy in God. Jesus refilled me with His Spirit and I was truly set free. I ministered to my daughter and helped her out of her chains. But I still had a journey to go on, so God spent the next 3 weeks cleaning me out.
The things God showed me were amazing. But, He focused on one thing in order to do what He’s called me to. LOVE.
Reading the book of John is what all of us need to do on a regular basis: Staying connected to the vine and loving one another. Sometimes that’s hard to do – we keep trying to do it in the flesh. I know a better way. When I’m connected to Jesus, daily, keeping my mind on His Word and worshipping Him, then I can love in a way I never thought I could. Really, it really works!
Mark 10:42-44 says, "You know that in this world kings are tyrants, and officials lord it over the people beneath them. But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.
We cannot do this apart from the power of Holy Spirit. It absolutely goes against our flesh! Yet, with a willing and contrite heart, God can do anything. And He is… in me.
One thing God asked me was “If those that you feel hurt by were to be blessed by Me, would you still love Me? What if I asked you to be happy for them?”
I was honest and didn’t know if I could. Then I read Jonah. If you know the story, fine, read it anyway. How many people have actually ever read Jonah? Nineveh was a bad place. Jonah was not happy about Nineveh’s repentance. He waited to see judgment. When it didn’t come he was grumpier than ever. God had to get a hold of him. I don’t want to be like Jonah.
As in my last two blogs, I am reminded of the eagle. I am that eagle soaring so far above the storms of life that they actually look beautiful. I’m not so close to the situation to only focus on the ugly. I’m being lifted up by the Spirit of God into the heavenly places.
As Jesus said in Luke 10:41-42, “You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Love is the better. It will NOT be taken away from me.